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Layout: Mary
Edit: ying
Graphics: GuYver519 (AiRenCN)
Colours: refuted
its the mean streak in me that surfaces in times like this. i've never had an ungracious tagger on my blog, no problems at all. because i believe in the blog as a form of expression for close friends to read, and not a bitching party. well, guess what? here comes mr-i-think-i'm-the-crusader whose main aim in life is to make people feel bad. not working, dude. you chose the wrong blog. try xiaxue's blog. i'd like to see you get a REAL thrashing there. you deserve it. get a life. which brings me to my conclusion. its never good when people you don't know start reading your stuff. they don't undersatnd you, and start making unfair and totally baseless assumptions about you and arrive at conclusions which are, by large, unsupported. some people call it a fallacy of argument. i call it an inane ability of humans to feeling jealousy to people who are able to bring their thoughts to life and articulate it such that people see a picture and not just rows of alphabets in different permutations and combination. not that i feel i'm an excetional writer. i write as myself, and i'm genuine to my own emotions, nothing else. is there then a basis to say i emulate some other unknown soul's(who was unnamed) literary style? i think you must get this right. its a direct insult to yourself if you say i am 'copying' and trying to 'sound sophisticated'. because you cant even pick out the genuine stuff in writing. when you are true about something, it shows. you cant fake a thing like this. the golden scones did make me feel that way, so what's wrong with writing it down? i really don't need your judgement on writing. if i did, you are not qualified to do that anyway. the entire gp dept is in the staff room if i need comments on my writing. so bug off, all the jerks out there leaving nasty comments on other people's blogs. it just shows your maturity level. as a one day old kid.
posted by sarangaia || 7:30 PM Monday, February 27, 2006
golden scones |
golden scones. i must admit that i was extremely frustrated at the utter lack of food yesterday. i mean, you have to make a choice, either you choose to commemorate total defense day, trying to starve us with inedible lumps you call food and screw lessons, or you screw the commemoration and go on with lessons. and then there were scones. i went to four leaves on my mom's orders for some golden scones. i sank my teeth into the first one and i knew was a goner. a crisp golden coat it wears, that surprises you with the softness hidden, and the smell of butter simply spreads in your mouth like no other taste on earth. the heavy dough provides exercise ofr the teeth, teasing tastebuds with every chew. it doesn't melt instantly in your mouth like the finest spongecake, something that i like very much about it. i mean i do love spongecakes, but sometimes the feel of it evaporating on your tongue is a little too unsubstantial, like the airy-fairyness of idealised puppy love. the weight of the scones is just perfect, not heavy and weighed down like a failing marriage, but the light heartedness of old friends, nice and comfortable. the chewiness of the dough made me think of hard english loaves, chewy and sticky (well, sometimes). infused with the wonderful scent of the kitchen... you feel like you're in jamie oliver's place when in actual fact you are standing in the middle of causeway point in hot sunny singapore. how good it that? touring the world through a small scone in your mouth. wow. richie thinks that this is exaggeration, but its true. when you're hungry, anything goes. in my case, i found golden scones. and that's that.
wrinkled nose, upturned mouth nowhere in sight anger mounting, stomach rumbling world peace never attained when starving
alas! that smell! wafting, drifting, wandering finding its way to the sensitivity of smell
a sight of gold concrete rock of fulfilment slight salt on tongue sigh of content
posted by sarangaia || 5:48 PM Monday, February 20, 2006
<> when relationships blur and ties marred are you now a bystander, a product of the situation or a participater, able to change fate and destiny the stars combined
love? hate? indifference? platonic, non-platonic? wish not to delve in the grey matter of the changing heart yours, mine, hers
when liking turns sour salvation is unwilling torture intellectual but emotionless perhaps its time to face up to the gravity of force
no time as sweet as the past no memory as treasured as the heartbeat of the race time to wake up! trapped in the past rejecting the present
really, sometimes i just don't want to go on with this thing. it irks me. why can't people face up to their problems? whst they truly feel? accept it, and
not sink into this facade of normality?
posted by sarangaia || 8:22 PM Saturday, February 18, 2006
 just look at what my dear yingying made me. its great!!!!! I LOVE IT! life is at least back to normal now that i'm over my bout of food poisoning and recovering from my cough. happy vday to all!
posted by sarangaia || 11:04 PM Saturday, February 11, 2006
wandering in the bright lights in search for the silent an oasis to quench the yearnings of a lifetime
resounding in the ears of the beholder it vibrates heartstrings tough notes beaten out
reigning in the endless days and nights quest for the aloof quality it evades dances in seeming mockery
distant in the past a future unrealised dreams of the soul burning with waning faith.
a memory, tear a thousand words swalllowed resigned the silence of the heart
my creation, tribute to the lost valentines of the years. the silence of the years left me with much to say, but none said. to you, i regret the silence, such foolishness. 나는 진짜로 너를 사랑한다 과거안에 i would have said that.
posted by sarangaia || 12:00 AM Sunday, February 05, 2006