
나의 새상에서 한남자 있어요..
다 줄거야
내 새상..


여자, 대학생. 이승기씨가 목소리 완정 사랑해!

1박2일 fansubs
1박2일 보기
1박2일 - Soompi
이승기 - Soompi
이승기 - 사진


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A few years ago i wouldnt even have realised what ...
technically speaking my obligations ended when the...
treat by oppa
as usual, i have to be doing somehing else during ...
gawd... this lecturer is driving me nuts!!! the un...
going back

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Layout: Mary
Edit: ying
Graphics: GuYver519 (AiRenCN)
Colours: refuted

노래방 |

어늘 나는 너무 행복해요! 나는 하고 오빠 노래방에 간다. feel so happy after party world with oppa. finally a 노래방 that has a substantial amount of 한국어 노래! had a blast singing songs I've always wanted to sing at a 노래방, like 비's 나쁜남자 (which kbox doesnt have after i searched upteen times). too bad they dont have the newer songs like 이루's 겨울나기, 까만안경, and 승기's 내 여자라니까, 작한거짓말, 하기 힘든 말.. sigh.. even the DBSK section was patetically incomplete, even purple line wasnt included. seems like they would at least beef up the 비 and DBSK sections since there isnt a lack of people who love them. but no, they didnt. ok, shall remain contented. this is at least better than kbox where the newest 한국어 노래 is 악속. ergh.

discovered an absolutely amazing video. has 세븐, 이루, 승기. Realised that 김재중 can sing too. Finally DBSK has redeemed their worth in my eyes with 재중. actually bothered to go look for purple line after this. good things should really never be kept to ourselves.

so here's the concert video, 거위의꿈's the song! :)

and the original by 인순이:)


posted by sarangaia || 7:04 AM Sunday, February 24, 2008


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