update |
Still busy studying. Will try to update more after my exams. This is from what I've done on soompi.
We start again this week with a recap of last week's happenings.
Now that the first team's performance is over, we have the second team coming in for their performance. Funny moment when KHD is introducing the second team's members and deliberately changes their names Kim Su Guen, NG Mong and Lee C. The second team runs in and presents gifts to the audience before performing, and LSGuen continues with his funny dance for too long. KimC: SuGuen ah! Come back, come back! (LSGuen snaps out of his dance) Ready! They start their show. MCM as grandpa, LSGuen as grandma and KimC as the background music. They start a hilarious skit, with the two mumbling all sorts of funny stuff. MCM: This body is old~ Should consider eating some tonics~ LSGuen Captions [You're gonna eat everything all by yourself??] LSGuen: What about ME? ME?? If you take everything then what's for me? You rascal! *slaps* Oh, that was BRILLIANT. The slapping accompanied by the guitar. These guys really know how to make things look funny! MCM: Let's change (roles)! LSGuen: Change (roles)? MCM: I'm the granny! Granny! LSGuen: I'm the gramps, gramps! [They switch in 5 seconds!] They start singing again, and i think MCM screams something husband. Or it could be old man. Not too sure. Anyway, LSGuen responds the exact same way he did earlier and slaps MCM. LOL. KHD then cuts in, laughing loudly and his captions say [That's weak! That's weak!] With that, the two teams end their performances. KHD tells the audience that they will pass out pieces of paper with KHD and LSGuen's name on it, and they are to mark the team they like with an O. The winning team gets to sleep indoors while the losing team heads for the wilderness amongst the lettuces. Another spot of humour here when KHD re-introduces the two teams and pretends he doesn't know the names of 3 in the other teams, leading to a few moments of awkward silence. The pieces of paper are passed around by the boys. KHD: Please save me! LSG also goes around with the voting slips, which ensured a few delighted shrieks from the women of course. Captions made me laugh. [Seung Gi's beauty trap?] Meanwhile KHD makes a move on the cute toddler, who doesn't seem too interested in him. All the same, KHD is happy playing with the toddler.
The moment of intense stress then comes with the counting of votes. No one wants sleep amongst the lettuces since it's madly cold out there in the night (as the plot owner already told them last episode) and they have to sleep WITHOUT a tent. Again, we have KHD introducing the situation to the viewers, about how the votes have been gathered and stuff, but the other boys don't care. They just kept stuffing themselves with the food on the table biggrin.gif Aww, LSG was trying to finish up those watermelons, haha. KHD caught sight of the boys pigging out and sighed. KHD: Sigh... My heart hurts! KimC: Just let the kids eat before going... KHD: Ok, there should be a total of 24 votes in all. We're going to look at the votes one by one now. Which of the team performance did everyone like the best? We'll count the votes and find out now. PD: Ok, I'm going to read out the votes one by one to you. Now, first vote. Kang Ho Dong 1 vote! The guys are hyped up and sit together closely holding hands. The PD continues to announce the votes to them. It was really tense, and we saw a banjun (banjun is reversal in korean) of sorts when LSGuen's team went from 2 votes to match and even up to KHD team's 6 votes. Things get even more nerve wrecking from then on, with each team matching vote for vote as the counting went on. EJW: This is unbelievable, what's this?! I agree with him. Just so you guys know, the PDs didn't mess around with the votes to make the situation so tense, it was all coincidental (I choose to believe the PDs). KHD calls for time out at 10:9, with 5 votes remaining, and the guys are a pile of nervous wrecks, all afraid that they'd be the ones sleeping outside. At 11:10, the PD prepares to open another vote. PD: Oh! This! We'll reserve this vote for later. The guys protest, but the PD insists that there's a reason for it, and reassures the guys that he'll open that particular vote last. KHD: Really, you haven't messed around with the votes have you? PD: I'm seeing this with you guys now too! KHD: The KBS team swears this on their conscience? PD: Yes, on our conscience. LSG: Wow, this is really something. Hyung it seems this always happens? The vote is read out and its 11 all. The last vote (not counting the one taken out by the PD earlier) is read out, and it goes to KHD, and they are really upbeat since the guys have effectively won the battle. If the vote that the PD took out goes to LSGuen, they tie. If it goes to KHD they win. If the vote went to both teams KHD still wins. PD: Now I'll show you the last problematic vote. Let's have MC Mong reveal the vote. Show it to the camera. We finally get to know what's wrong with the vote. The voters were supposed to mark their vote with an O. But this voter decided to do things his own way and marked his vote with an X. (By the way, Koreans generally go with the O and X system for yes or no. So the problem here is that they don't know if the X means no, or whether it just means the vote goes to KHD) Of course the other team protests and insists that they've tied. KHD: Does an X mean that he doesn't like us? LSGuen: No, it doesn't mean he doesn't like, the X means that its NOT this team! (He means) Its NOT KANG HO DONG! They get into a heated argument over the meaning of the O and X. LSGuen: No, what the person was thinking was that 'Ah, Kang Ho Dong, this person is really (gestures a big cross) not the one!' Its like this!! KimC: You can't possibly use an X if you like the person! LOL. They continue to quarrel over this and team KHD's brain LSG steps out to argue for their stand. He says something wrongly though, and KHD pulls him back to stop him from going on. LSG protests and asks for a final chance at finishing up his debate which earns him a mock chop in his neck from KHD. MCM tries to argue that since KHD's name was crossed, he should head for the hills with LSGuen's team too. LSG argues in his defence. LSG: Ok, let's just take it as the voter disliked (KHD) and marked it as an X. We acknowledge that X means the person didn't like the subject, but should that be counted? That's a null vote! (since the voter didn't follow instructions) Team LSGuen have no choice but to accept the results, and head for the wild to sleep.
KHD and LSGuen then get voted into waking up early to pick up a couple of the locals to go to the lettuce patch the next morning, After that, we see that it rained while the guys are sleeping outside and they are woken up to move into the tents. The next morning the guys just go out into the patch to get some work done, while KimC and MCM whip up a meal for them. Funny moment when this old lady fails to recognise MCM. Cant' really remember much of the episode now offhand now.
I picked out some of the more exciting (IMHO) and interesting interview conversations as well as unseen footage to translate from the Chuseok special. Thought it was pretty well done, even though I'd have loved to hear things from KimC and EJW's perspective. For some odd reason they weren't interviewed. Schedule clashes I guess. It would also have been much better if they had shown less of the original episode and more of the BTS though. But I really have to give credit to these editors. 400 tapes of raw footage, which would translate to at least 400 hours, if not more, of videos to go through before editing, captioning, doing the on-screen effects and the background music. Kudos to them. They're amazing.
Early on in the video, the interviewer asked MCM "At which point of the trip was it the toughest?" and MCM's reply was "Is that a question you are asking me now? 4 nights 5 days was tough, coming back was tough too." Just goes to show how draining the trip was for the 6 guys.
LSG 's view on the boat trip LSG: To me, that wasn't a boat (uh, ship would be more appropriate I guess), it was like a hotel. Because it was so comfortable on the boat (ship), I have no memories of suffering on the boat trip.
After that, they he washed up with EJW, and they had a conversation about their complexions (I think) and how the trip's wreaked havoc on it. Funny moment when EJW says "When you look at me at night, you can only see my eyes". He isn't that dark is he? Then comes a LSG Huh-dang moment. He exits the washroom, only to have EJW scream for him a few minutes later. EJW: Oh? YAH! SEUNG GI YAH! SEUNG GI YAH! LSG: Yea? EJW: SHAMPOO! LSG reenters. LSG: Hyung, but you have no hair to shampoo! Hyung you wash (shampoo) your hair? EJW: Of course! LSG: I thought people with very short hair don't wash (shampoo) their hair. LOL. Then EJW pops his head under the hand dryer to dry his hair. These guys. They always do all sorts of non-conventional stuff. When they arrive at the ferry terminal, LSGuen mentions how he misses his wife. Which immediately prompts LSG to say he misses his puppy, thus we have that cut of Sang Guen, with the captions "...Me?" That was really a cute one.
They then get on the bus, where MCM tries out his cellphone's roaming service and calls back home. Initially he just couldn't get it to work, but he eventually figured the problem out and passed on the info to LSG. LSG then calls his sister. LSG: Hello? Soo Yeon? Are you home? Ah, oppa's in China now. We can see the North Korean territory from here. Captions go [He calls his sister to brag] LOL!!
Anyway, LSG+MCM+KimC decide to get off the bus and walk a little so that they get at least a little stretch, and we see LSG stopping dead in his tracks suddenly just to say "The bus is coming". The guys ask him how he knows that and he says he heard the bus. The others refute his statement saying that he's just hearing his own footsteps. Turns out LSG was right, his hearing is quite sharp! The episode continues with the whole LSG scare fest thing, with LSG laughing sheepishly during his interview. Turns out that the guys were allowed to get off the bus to wash up and stuff.
EJW very aptly described his feelings while brushing his teeth. LOL he seems to have lots to say when he brushes his teeth. EJW: I have no memory of the boat trip! We just took a bus from Seoul to China! I have no memory of the boat trip. Why did we take the bus?
The staff were all tired out, and many of them expressed their wish to go home. KimC talked about how it was really tiring and he doesnt see how they're gonna make it to Baekdusan, while Dae Ju was going on about how the bus trip is really the toughest part. Meanwhile we have LSG doing his self talk again, brainwashing himself into believing that he's not tired. LOL
Fast forward to the part where LSG talks about the climb (I'm sorry, I'm skimming through the videos as I watch too. I'll do a more detailed one when I get the time) He apparently had 3 big worries, which he revealed to the interviewer. 1. Would they really be able to complete the climb? 2. Would they really be able to see Heaven's lake? 3. I HAVE to be the first to reach the top! He's competitive! Like really. So cute.
On EJW LSG: His shorts were like hot pants! ... Its then revealed through the convo the PD and EJW had that its EJW's first time on a mountain trip. The PD was like flabberghasted at that, while EJW was going "My first mountain trip, BAEKDUSAN!"Labels: 1박2일
posted by sarangaia || 10:07 AM Friday, September 26, 2008
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